Supporting using Micro and mini piles

Supporting using Micro and mini piles

In some cases, building foundation are built at unsuitable backfill (soil) or unstable soil which affected due to adjacent leakage which leads to footings slump over than the allowed limit and in turn cracks appear at the building and soil slump which might lead in total to collapse of portions of the building. The need for support arises to enhance the building and stop foundation soil slump. This process is being done through reinforced concrete micro pile to transfer building loads from the foundation to suitable backfill soil , such micro piles penetrate building footings down to suitable backfill layer. In this form, foundation is like pile cap for micro piles.

Such micro piles have shapes, diameters and depths that vary in accordance with building loads, soil type and foundation type. Micro piles are as follows:

  • Fraction micro piles, which depend on soil fraction with micro pile span in case rock layers are not made available.
  • End bearing micro piles which depend on transfer of loads to rock layers
  • Fraction and end bearing micro piles, which gathering the above mentioned two types.